Upgraded Resources for Pirates of Maracaibo

Upgraded Resources for Pirates of Maracaibo

UPDATE 26/01/2024

After our first test play we feel the components work very well and add significantly to this game, after all what Pirate would ever bury timber cubes?

A few adjustments and new upgrades are required:

We have finished the cannons, and there is not enough grey cubes supplied in this game, but maybe we aren't playing it right? Either way we have decided to increase the number of cannons vs grey cubes supplied.

After looking at the modules, the rubies are represented via grey cubes on a ruby card. What!? Why... oh well, we fix this. So some nice translucent rubies will be added to the game.

We are happy to report the size of the tokens are perfect! We did make quite a few adjustments, just a mm here or there makes a huge difference on this game. Balancing the ability to easily pick up the pieces, yet fitting nicely on the boards. We believe we have come up with the perfect size after trialing 4 different sizes. Out of the 4 different sizes we chose the 3rd smallest.

Pearls, they have a green tinge. I really like it and think it fits well with the colour scheme of the game, but Wendy thinks they should probably be more white as the picture of the resource suggest. So we are going to create some pure white pearlescent tokens. For now we will release a set as is or maybe give customers the option of the green tinge, or the pure white. 

Starting ship board. Oh wow this thing looks immaculate, engraved with Ship Ahoy!. Yes its not going to be the most budget friendly, but gee does it give a stand-off look and polishes this game setup. Looking at the alternate setups, I'm thinking of increasing the size of this to be longer so it can stretch across 3 cards instead of 2. That though would increase the costs of this beautiful tile.

We look forward to playing another game with 4 players and trying out all of the extra modules in one go. They look to add a lot to this game, especially the pirate battles with opponents.

Original Post

Our deluxe resource tokens for Maracaibo are being tested out. We love these pieces, see the pearlescent shimmer and shine, grab those translucent gems, and race to get the Gold Nuggets.

We've also added in an ocean pearlescent starting Ship location, so our might pirate ships have somewhere to start - Ship Ahoy!

Add our Pirate skull score markers, some metal coins from Moedas & Co, of course the pirate ships and you'll be set to sail the seas. Cannon ship upgrades coming soon, and translucent player board overlays (Keep those black market tiles together, add in a pirate battle strength track, and that buried treasure where it should be!).

Stay tuned!

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