Upgrade To Next Level Gaming Resource Cubes
Our next project - THE COMMON CUBE. After saving up, I've finally managed to get myself a copy of Lisboa. I haven't played it yet, but I'm looking for what upgrades would be suitable for this awesome game (hint not much). Looking at the plain timber cubes, I'm thinking some creative solutions to represent the rubble in the city in solid resin when fit in nicely and give something extra to the already deluxe feeling of this game.
Lisboa has the following three cubes:
1 - Rubble (I'll make it building Rubble)
2 - Water (I'll make it Water inundated Rubble
3 - Fire (I'll make it Burning and charred Rubble)
All three are to represent the damage done to Lisboa from the Earthquake and Tsunami that followed. Whilst I'm designing this for Lisboa, these cubes will be able to be used for most games where a more thematic resource cube is desired.
Here is a preview of my Water Rubble (it will be done in clear blue resin with a semi transparent look):
Here are the other cubes:
Translucent Red Resin for the Fire cube, with a Lava looking sculpt. And we will probably use grey resin for the rubble cube with some skeleton bone paint. Renders of my vision:
Lisboa game cubes are roughly 8mm x 8mm. So these are considerably small. Another common size in board games for cubes is 10mm x 10mm, so I'll likely make these available in two sizes for those that want these as generic resources in other games.
This matched with the Moedas & Co Coins and I think we will have the perfect game components to supplement Lisboa. If you want something done for Lisboa reach out and let us know your ideas!