Small upgrade to Viticulture - Update 06/06/2024
Update 06/06/2024
Now Available check it out on our store!
Update 29/05/2024:
Wine trellis stock being printed, oh its so pretty... look at all those colours. Grapes will be hanging on these little trellis' with the vine over it.
We expect stock to be finished and ready before the end of the week.
Update 13/05/2024:
Due to the number of colour per player that we want to print this out on, its taking significant time to get some initial stock. What I can say is we have now found and received the perfect orange to match the game play pieces, so this is no longer a hinderance and we should be getting to this soon. Sorry for those waiting, it has taken a lot longer than I anticipated but we want to make sure we get it right, and have matching player colours where we can, because these little upgrades are worth the extra effort..
Update 02/05/2024:
The viticulture ox and wagons have come out great! We just need time on the printers now to get the rest of the building components done and a bit of paint on these ox.

Update 28/04/2024:
We have gotten back to this little upgrade. We weren't happy with how the wagon and the Ox came out (we thought it would be too fragile). So we have done some slight changes, that increase the rigidity and strength of this little token yet retain all its detail! Fingers crossed we will inspect the prints closely tomorrow to look for any issues.
We have also begun printing the other tokens with accents of the player colour. Looking through the colours the most challenging is going to be the orange. Since it will be printed in impregnated colour we need to locate an orange tan that we are happy with that matches closest to the tokens (we only have bright orange at the moment).
Here are some prototype photos of the white and green player pieces (note they have not yet been cleaned):
You can see the tokens are quite small, yet have considerable detail. The Ox and cart has crazy detail, and you'll see a print defect in the wheel (some spokes are missing). We are hoping to fix this on the next print run.
Update 18/02/2024:
Ok we got a bit distracted with playing too many games on the weekend with our friends. Had an awesome game of Castles of Burgundy (I won), and Lowlands (I lost). We also had a crazy game of Survive Atlantis with our kids - all up 6 players!!! It was mad and stressful and in the end only a few meeples made it to shore as that volcano went off early!
Unfortunately that meant no work was done on this little upgrade. Will hopefully get back to it next week, as the colours, quality feel and detail in this little upgrade is fantastic and makes me want to get it to the table again with a glass of red wine.
Update 11/02/2024:
Quick update. Should be ready by next weekend:
Prototype below, accent colour (red) will match player colours for each. The wine tasting hall roof will match the player colour too! There are several bunches of grapes hanging under the trellis (photos don't show this due to angle).
We have a mix of resin pieces and plastic pieces to create this beautiful coloured and high detailed set.
Sweeping the dust off an old project I never finished. Windmill, water tower, wine tasting hall remodelled from my original project, coming out great with some printed colour.
To come ox pulling cart, guest house, and trellises. Maybe some barrels for the winery.
A relatively small project to get this great game out more often.