Our upgrades for Concordia are coming along nicely. Progress update.
We have now completed the player pieces. Bright colours to match the game pieces. The wagon design is inspired from the roman wagon displayed in the Romisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne.
Check it out. Detail is stunning (and there is an anvil inside the wagon and if your eyes are good you might be able to pick out the three statues on the front of the wagon). Doesn't that horse look amazing!
Our roman boats are now complete and have been play tested to work perfectly.
That's wine at the back of the boat. And yes our resources are almost finished too. We have bundles of wheat (with each grain modelled in ultimate detail), historic roman bricks modelled to their accurate proportions imprinted with the Roman military division, terracotta wine amphora with that historical pointed bottom, and the anvil.
We then have a larger Roman Statue bust for the Praefectus Magnus card that can be passed around instead of the card.