Lisboa - Rebuild the entire city of Lisboa UPDATE 17/12/2024
Update 17/12/2024
The next model is now almost ready. This is Igreja de S Nicolau - (Church of St Nicholas) in Lisboa.
Update 23/11/2024
The fountain is finished in its digital form. I'll do a prototype print and adjust as necessary:
Update 21/11/2024
Jardim Botanico da Ajuda. We have chosen to model the fountain from this park. This has required some animal sculpting of snakes, frogs, sea horses. Yet to model is the sea lions, ducks and fish. Here is a work in progress of the fountain:
UPDATE 17/11/2024
Next public space has been modelled. This is Passeio Publico. I don't think this exists anymore, could only find some really old photos for reference. A little bit of history here: Passeio Publico Lisboa on Wikipedia
UPDATE 10/11/2024
Yes this project is still moving along. We are still hoping to have something by Christmas. Our latest update on Lisboa is the Bugio lighthouse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugio_Lighthouse

UPDATE 15/08/2024
We have the finished model. Detail is incredible! I'm happy with the sturdiness of the design, not too fragile and yet replicates the original building that will fit on the cardboard tile in the game - Yes it's that small! When looking closely you'll see all the fine art in the window frames, those statues on the front of the building and each spire. Can't wait to see people playing Lisboa and posting pics with these upgrades.
UPDATE 13/8/2024
The building is finished and a print is ready on the printer for the prototype. Can't wait to check it out once it's washed, cured and cleaned up. A teaser for the finished model:

UPDATE 16/7/2024
The building is now 95% Complete! I'm now up to some finishing touches, such as adding the statues to this magnificent building, and then I'll be printing the prototype and moving onto the next public building for the game.
UPDATE 19/06/2024
Estrela Basilica is 80% complete, this is a lot of work but wow is it looking stunning. I can see why it took many years to build in real life. None of my work is scanned, everything is hand crafted from scratch to ensure it can be printed and modelled appropriately for game play. Here is a sneak peak of my progress on this epic building. This will be sized to fit on the tile for the public buildings in Lisboa. I can't wait to play Lisboa with these upgrades!! And yes once finished this will be available to all who share my dream.
UPDATE 13/05/2024
Starting on the next building, I'm tackling the most intricate of all buildings for this upgrade. That is the Estrela Basilica. I expect this model to take me some significant modelling time, but when I finish this building I will be sure to post it.
UPDATE 05/05/2024
I have now finished modelling the Mae Dagua for Lisboa, the next public building for the board game Lisboa. I'm learning a lot about Lisbon history and these sights as I study each and the history before I model them.
Prior to starting the project I didn't even know what Mae Dagua was. Now all players will be able to see this building has a Aqueduct leading into the back of the building. Its a water reservoir, and wow does this building look majestic inside! It's now as part of the water museum in Lisbon. I look forward and hope one day to visit the city of Lisbon.
Will print this one later in the week.
UPDATE 6/04/2024
I am pleased to announce we have full approval for this project from Vital Lucerda, so this upgrade will be available to all when complete.
I have now mostly finished the cathedral of Lisboa. This was more challenging than I expected, as it is not symmetrical, likely due to the rebuilding from ruins. Here are some teasing renders of this beautiful building:
And peering through the front window:
Some samples
ORIGINAL POST 03/04/2024
I've fallen in love with this game! We love the artwork from Ian O'Toole and the gameplay mechanics from Vital Lacerda has added so much depth. This game has made me look into the history of the 1755 great earthquake https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1755_Lisbon_earthquake. Whilst playing the game and admiring the art work on the board, we thought the beautiful sketches on the building tiles were hard to see due to their smaller size unless you were directly above them. So we thought what about if we made all the buildings in miniature to place on the board. This will be an epic project to re-create the entire city of Lisboa! For this upgrade, I want it to scream the ultimate quality of pieces to match that of the incredible game that it is. This game isn't for everyone, but if you are able to experience it, its well worth it. So in tribute to the great work of these designers and artists I'll be doing everything in Solid Resin at the highest of detail, my vision is that everyone will be able to rebuild this city of Lisboa to it's accurate architectural style, and players from the other side of the board will be able to easily see what public buildings are on offer to build.
So far I've completed the primary buildings, and the public building "the Statue of Joseph I"
There are about 10 other public buildings compromising of churches, castles, parks, to state buildings to further model on this game.
Render below and some final pieces on our game board to preview:
1 comment
So well done …Love the game & Love what you have created:)