Fan of Portal Games? So are we!

Fan of Portal Games? So are we!

We are big fans of Portal Games. It was Robinson Crusoe that brought on our love for complex board games that we purchased on an impulse buy - that really got us into this board gaming hobby many years ago - thanks Ignacy Trzewickzek! You are why we are here now enjoying our hobby and sharing with others. We can't wait to receive the upgraded tokens for Robinson Crusoe from Portal Game's kickstarter on gamefound - if you haven't put in for this project yet we strongly recommend you go over to and support Portal Games for this amazing release. The art and miniatures are incredible! We appreciate the game design and work from other artists - and when we saw the upgrades coming we were so excited! 

We thought we would share with you some of our upcoming designs to add that something extra special to these games that we like to use.

When playing Empires of the North Sea we thought it would be cool to have a tile holder that brings in the Artic elements. Our early print above is just to fine for FDM printers to get the detail we need on this one. So we won't be releasing this until we can do it justice with our 8K Resin printers, so you can see those little frozen noses on the eskimos! Our plan will be to print the layered coloured plastic with the Prusa FDM printers to get that ICE, Water and Igloo effect, and print the Pengiun, Fish and Eskimos on the Resin printer with ultra details, then finish it off with a little paint.

With the printers arriving next month, it will sure be one of the first projects to complete.

Note: 3D tokens, upgraded items and organisers are in no way affiliated or endorsed by the producers of the board games we are designing organisers and components for. Artwork is completely original and designed in our own imagination and style from scratch. Our coming soon blog is sometimes used as a thoughts process in our design work and are experimental or conceptual for the board games we own. They may not become available for sale and are purely conceptual. As with all art work and creativity process, some things work out, some we trash, some we shelve, or only use for ourselves. Before we decide to make a product available we carefully assess if they are suitable to sell, that they pass certain criteria, including but not limited to play testing, durability testing, printing feasibility, effort, and any other costs associated to sell or produce and share. We are a very small business so we do not have the means sometimes to make these available, but our enjoyment comes in this hobby from others enjoying the creations we have made. If you like our creations we would love to hear from you.

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