Check out our train! Suitable for Brass Birmingham and maybe Ticket to Ride?

Check out our train! Suitable for Brass Birmingham and maybe Ticket to Ride?

Our latest project is simply awesome, highly detailed British steam train from 1870. I was looking at what train I thought would match the industrial era of Britain to suit the timeline for Brass Birmingham. I decided to model the GNR Stirling 4-2-2. This train had a top speed of 137km/h in 1870!

After designing this model I wasn't sure how it would print, but wow! The detail - simply incredible - get your magnifying glass, intricate details all throughout. This train is the same size as the token in Brass Birmingham, which happens to also be the same size as a ticket to ride train car. Now honestly that wasn't planned.

Check out the photos:

Here is my 3D Drawing:

Stirling GNR Train

Here is my resin print @ 3cm long.

Brass Birmingham Ticket to Ride Suitable Train

Brass Birmingham Ticket to Ride Suitable Train


Note: 3D tokens, upgraded items and organisers are in no way affiliated or endorsed by the producers of the board games we are designing organisers and components for. Artwork is completely original and designed in our own imagination and style from scratch. Our coming soon blog is sometimes used as a thoughts process in our design work and are experimental or conceptual for the board games we own. They may not become available for sale and are purely conceptual. As with all art work and creativity process, some things work out, some we trash, some we shelve, or only use for ourselves. Before we decide to make a product available we carefully assess if they are suitable to sell, that they pass certain criteria, including but not limited to play testing, durability testing, printing feasibility, effort, and any other costs associated to sell or produce and share. We are a very small business so we do not have the means sometimes to make these available, but our enjoyment comes in this hobby from others enjoying the creations we have made. If you like our creations we would love to hear from you.

Front cover image attribution: Tony Hisgett from Birmingham, UK - 4-2-2 GNR 1008 CC-BY-2.0

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1 comment

Fantastic model. Are you considering modelling some barges as well? I would love to buy a set of these trains, but it would be weird having cardboard chit barges and modelled trains.

Liam Maclachlan

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